Interface Manager
Album |
Encapsulates an icon album. |
AnimateSprocket |
Causes an image widget's texture coordinates to animate through a grid. |
AutoReleaseAlbum |
A helper class that wraps a pointer to a Album object.
AutoReleaseFont |
A helper class that wraps a pointer to a Font object.
Board |
The base class for simple display interfaces. |
BooleanSetting |
A boolean setting represented by a check box. |
CheckChromaticitySetting |
A chromaticity setting represented by a chromaticity box with a check box for enable/disable. |
CheckColorSetting |
A color setting represented by a color box with a check box for enable/disable. |
CheckWidget |
The interface widget that displays a check box. |
ChromaticitySetting |
A chromaticity setting represented by a chromaticity box. |
ChromaticityWidget |
The interface widget that displays a chromaticity picking box. |
CircleWidget |
The interface widget that displays a circle or ellipse. |
ColorPicker |
Encapsulates a color picker box. |
ColorSetting |
A color setting represented by a color box. |
ColorWidget |
The interface widget that displays a color picking box. |
Configurable |
The base class for user-configurable objects. |
ConfigurationWidget |
The interface widget that displays a configuration table. |
Cursor |
Encapsulates a cursor rendered in a user interface. |
Dialog |
Encapsulates a basic dialog box. |
EditTextWidget |
The interface widget that displays an editable text box. |
FadeSprocket |
Causes one of a widget's colors to fade to a specific value. |
FilePicker |
Encapsulates a file picker box. |
FillableWidget |
The base class for widgets that can render a fill. |
FloatSetting |
A floating-point setting represented by a slider. |
Font |
Encapsulates a text font. |
FrustumViewportWidget |
The interface widget that displays a frustum 3D viewport. |
HeadingSetting |
A setting that simply displays a heading and has no value. |
HyperlinkWidget |
The interface widget that displays a hyperlink. |
IconButtonWidget |
The interface widget that displays a push button containing an icon. |
ImageButtonWidget |
The interface widget that displays a push button containing an image. |
ImageWidget |
The interface widget that displays a texture image. |
InfoSetting |
A setting that displays information that cannot be edited. |
IntegerSetting |
An integer setting represented by a slider. |
InterfaceMgr |
The Interface Manager class. |
LineWidget |
The interface widget that displays a straight line. |
ListWidget |
The interface widget that displays a list box. |
Menu |
The root widget for menus. |
MenuBarWidget |
The interface widget that displays a menu bar. |
MenuSetting |
A multi-valued setting represented by a popup menu. |
MultiResourceSetting |
A setting showing a list of resource names in a text box with a browse button. |
MultipaneWidget |
The interface widget that displays a multipane box. |
OrthoViewportWidget |
The interface widget that displays an orthographic 3D viewport. |
Page |
The base class for a tool page. |
PaintWidget |
The interface widget that displays a painting canvas. |
Panel |
The base class for the interfaces shown in panel effects. |
PasswordWidget |
The interface widget that displays an editable text box for passwords. |
PopupMenuWidget |
The interface widget that displays a popup menu. |
PowerTwoSetting |
A power-of-two setting represented by a slider. |
ProgressWidget |
The interface widget that displays a progress bar. |
PulsateSprocket |
Causes one of a widget's colors to pulsate. |
PushButtonWidget |
The interface widget that displays a push button containing text. |
QuadWidget |
The interface widget that displays a filled quad. |
RadioWidget |
The interface widget that displays a radio button. |
RandomizeSprocket |
Causes a widget's texture coordinates to change randomly. |
RectangleWidget |
The interface widget that displays a rectangle. |
RenderableWidget |
The base class for all renderable widgets. |
ResourceSetting |
A resource name setting represented by a text box and a browse button. |
RootWidget |
Represents the root in a tree of widgets. |
RotateSprocket |
Causes a widget's texture coordinates to rotate. |
ScaleSprocket |
Causes a widget to change scale. |
ScrollSprocket |
Causes a widget's texture coordinates to scroll. |
ScrollWidget |
The interface widget that displays a scroll bar. |
Setting |
The base class for all user-configurable settings. |
SliderWidget |
The interface widget that displays a slider. |
SlugContainer |
Container for resources used by Slug-based graphics. |
Sprocket |
Used to modify a widget in some way over time. |
SprocketReg |
Represents a custom sprocket type. |
SprocketRegistration |
Manages internal registration information for a custom sprocket type. |
StrokableWidget |
The base class for widgets that can render a stroke. |
TableWidget |
The interface widget that displays a table. |
TextButtonWidget |
The interface widget that displays an interactive text string. |
TextSetting |
A text setting represented by an editable text box. |
TextWidget |
The interface widget that displays a text string. |
TickerSprocket |
Causes a text widget's contents to scroll horizontally. |
TreeItemWidget |
The interface widget that encapsulates items in a tree list. |
TreeWidget |
The interface widget that displays a tree list. |
ViewportWidget |
The base class for interface widgets that display 3D viewports. |
Widget |
Represents a widget in a user interface. |
WidgetReg |
Represents a custom widget type. |
WidgetRegistration |
Manages internal registration information for a custom widget type. |
Window |
The base class for all windows. |
WindowEventHandler |
Encapsulates a window event handler function. |
WorldViewportWidget |
The interface widget that renders a world in a 3D viewport. |
Data Structures
PanelMouseEventData |
Contains information about a mouse event in a panel. |
WidgetEventData |
Contains information about a widget event. |
WindowEventData |
Contains information about a window event. |
Class Hierarchies
Setting HierarchySprocket Hierarchy
Widget Hierarchy