C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

class TimeMgr

Defined in:  C4Time.h
The Time Manager class.

class TimeMgr : public Manager<TimeMgr>

Member Functions
TimeMgr::GetWorldTimeMultiplier Returns the multiplier that converts normal time into world time.
TimeMgr::SetWorldTimeMultiplier Sets the multiplier that converts normal time into world time.
TimeMgr::GetDeltaTime Returns the time difference between the current frame and the previous frame as an integer.
TimeMgr::GetFloatDeltaTime Returns the time difference between the current frame and the previous frame as a floating point number.
TimeMgr::GetAbsoluteTime Returns the current absolute millisecond count.
TimeMgr::AddTask Adds a deferred task to the Time Manager task list.
TimeMgr::RemoveTask Removes a deferred task from the Time Manager task list.
TimeMgr::GetDateTime Returns a structure containing the current date and time.
TimeMgr::GetDateTimeStrings Returns strings containing the current date and time.
The TimeMgr class encapsulates the low-level timing functionality of the engine. The single instance of the Time Manager is constructed during an application's initialization and destroyed at termination.

The Time Manager's member functions are accessed through the global pointer TheTimeMgr.