C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation

World Manager

AcousticsSpace Represents an acoustic space node in a world.
AcousticsSpaceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to an acoustic space.
AmbientSource Represents an ambient sound source node in a world.
AmbientSourceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to an ambient sound source.
AnimationController Plays animations for a model node.
Animator The base class for all model animation classes.
AnnulusGeometry Represents an annulus primitive node in a world.
AnnulusGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to an annulus primitive.
BlendAnimator An animator that blends outputs from its subanimators.
Bone Represents a skeletal component used by a skinnable mesh.
BoxGeometry Represents a box primitive node in a world.
BoxGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a box primitive.
BoxTrigger Represents a box trigger node in a world.
BoxTriggerObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a box trigger.
BoxVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic box volume.
BoxZone Represents a box zone node in a world.
BoxZoneObject Encapsulates data for a box zone.
Camera Represents a camera node in a world.
CapsuleVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic capsule volume.
ConeGeometry Represents a cone primitive node in a world.
ConeGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a cone primitive.
ConeVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic cone volume.
ConnectionMarker Represents a connection marker in a world.
Connector Represents an edge in the graph of hubs and connectors.
CubeLight Represents a cube light node in a world.
CubeMarker Represents a cube environment map marker node in a world.
CylinderGeometry Represents a cylinder primitive node in a world.
CylinderGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a cylinder primitive.
CylinderTrigger Represents a cylinder trigger node in a world.
CylinderTriggerObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a cylinder trigger.
CylinderVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic cylinder volume.
CylinderZone Represents a cylinder zone node in a world.
CylinderZoneObject Encapsulates data for a cylinder zone.
DirectPortal Represents a direct portal node in a world.
DirectPortalObject Encapsulates data for a direct portal.
DirectedSource Represents a directed sound source node in a world.
DirectedSourceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a directed sound source.
DiskGeometry Represents a disk primitive node in a world.
DiskGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a disk primitive.
DomeGeometry Represents a dome primitive node in a world.
DomeGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a dome primitive.
DomeVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic dome volume.
ExtrusionGeometry Represents a path extrusion primitive node in a world.
ExtrusionGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a path extrusion primitive.
FogSpace Represents a fog space node in a world.
FogSpaceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a fog space.
FrameAnimator An animator that outputs transforms from frame data in an animation resource.
FrameAnimatorObserver An observer for cues triggered by a FrameAnimator object.
FrustumCamera Represents a frustum camera node in a world.
GenericGeometry Represents a generic geometry node in a world.
GenericGeometryObject Encapsulates data for a generic geometry.
GenericModel Represents a generic model node in a world.
Geometry Represents a geometry node in a world.
GeometryObject Encapsulates data for a geometry.
HoleGeometry Represents a hole primitive node in a world.
HoleGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a hole primitive.
Hub Represents a node in the graph of hubs and connectors.
IlluminanceSpace Represents an illuminance space node in a world.
IlluminanceSpaceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to an illuminance space.
Impostor Represents an impostor node in a world.
IndirectCamera Represents an indirect camera node in a world.
IndirectPortal Represents an indirect portal node in a world.
IndirectPortalObject Encapsulates data for an indirect portal.
InfiniteLight Represents an infinite light node in a world.
InfiniteZone Represents an infinite zone node in a world.
InfiniteZoneObject Encapsulates data for an infinite zone.
Instance Represents an instanced world node in a world.
Interactor Handles interaction events.
Light Represents a light node in a world.
LocatorMarker Represents a locator marker node in a world.
Marker Represents a marker node in a world.
MergeAnimator An animator that merges outputs from its subanimators.
Mesh Encapsulates data for a single geometrical mesh.
Model The base class for all animatable models.
ModelRegistration Contains information about an application-defined model type.
Modifier The base class for all modifier objects.
ModifierReg Represents a custom modifier type.
ModifierRegistration Manages internal registration information for a custom modifier type.
MorphController Controls a mesh with multiple morph targets.
Node The base class for all elements of a scene graph.
Object The base class for all objects that can be referenced by a node.
OcclusionPortal Represents an occlusion portal node in a world.
OcclusionPortalObject Encapsulates data for an occlusion portal.
OcclusionRegion Represents a convex region of space used for occlusion testing.
OcclusionSpace Represents an occlusion space node in a world.
OcclusionSpaceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to an occlusion space.
OmniSource Represents an omnidirectional sound source node in a world.
OmniSourceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to an omnidirectional sound source.
OrientedCamera Represents an oriented camera node in a world.
OrthoCamera Represents an orthographic camera node in a world.
PaintSpace Represents a paint space node in a world.
PaintSpaceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a paint space.
PathPrimitiveGeometry Represents a path primitive node in a world.
PathPrimitiveGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to primitive geometries that use paths.
PhysicsSpace Represents a physics space node in a world.
PhysicsSpaceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a physics space.
PlateGeometry Represents a plate primitive node in a world.
PlateGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a plate primitive.
PlateVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic plate volume.
PointLight Represents a point light node in a world.
PolygonZone Represents a polygon zone node in a world.
PolygonZoneObject Encapsulates data for a polygon zone.
Portal Represents a portal node in a world.
PortalObject Encapsulates data for a portal.
PrimitiveGeometry Represents a primitive geometry node in a world.
PrimitiveGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a primitive geometry.
Property The base class for all property objects.
PropertyObject A shared storage container for properties.
PropertyReg Represents a custom property type.
PropertyRegistration Manages internal registration information for a custom property type.
PyramidGeometry Represents a pyramid primitive node in a world.
PyramidGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a pyramid primitive.
PyramidVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic pyramid volume.
RenderableNode The base class for renderable scene graph nodes.
RevolutionGeometry Represents a path revolution primitive node in a world.
RevolutionGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a path revolution primitive.
ShaderMarker Represents a shader warmup marker node in a world.
ShadowSpace Represents a shadow space node in a world.
ShadowSpaceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a shadow space.
SkinController Controls a skinned mesh.
Skybox Represents a skybox node in a world.
Source Represents a sound source node in a world.
SourceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a sound source.
Space Represents a space node in a world.
SpaceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a space.
SpectatorCamera Represents a spectator camera node in a world.
SphereGeometry Represents a sphere primitive node in a world.
SphereGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a sphere primitive.
SphereTrigger Represents a sphere trigger node in a world.
SphereTriggerObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a sphere trigger.
SphereVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic sphere volume.
SpotLight Represents a spot light node in a world.
TorusGeometry Represents a torus primitive node in a world.
TorusGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a torus primitive.
Trigger Represents a trigger node in a world.
TriggerObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a trigger.
TruncatedConeGeometry Represents a truncated cone primitive node in a world.
TruncatedConeGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a truncated cone primitive.
TruncatedConeVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic cone volume.
TruncatedDomeVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic dome volume.
TruncatedPyramidVolume Encapsulates data pertaining to a generic pyramid volume.
TubeGeometry Represents a path tube primitive node in a world.
TubeGeometryObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a path tube primitive.
VisibilityRegion Represents a convex region of space used for visibility testing.
VisualSpace Represents a visual space node in a world.
VisualSpaceObject Encapsulates data pertaining to a visual space.
World Encapsulates a complete world.
WorldMgr The World Manager class.
Zone Represents a zone node in a world.
ZoneObject Encapsulates data for a zone.
Data Structures
AnimatorTransform Holds a single animated node transform.
ArrayDescriptor Contains information about a geometrical array.
CollisionData Contains extended information about a collision.
CollisionPoint Contains basic information about a collision point.
Class Hierarchies
Animator Hierarchy

Node Hierarchy

Object Hierarchy