C4 Engine
C4 Engine API Documentation


Defined in:  C4MaterialObjects.h
Sets the animation velocity for a texcoord.

void SetTexcoordVelocity(int32 index, const Vector2D& velocity);

index The texcoord index. This must be 0 or 1.
velocity The new texcoord animation velocity, in inverse milliseconds.
The SetTexcoordVelocity function sets the animation velocity that is applied to the texcoord specified by the index parameter. The x coordinate of the velocity parameter is the velocity of the s texture coordinate, and the y coordinate of the velocity parameter is the velocity of the t texture coordinate. The texcoord velocity is multiplied by time in milliseconds to determine the texcoord offset. The default velocity is (0,0).

In order for animation to be applied to a particular texcoord, the corresponding material flag must be set. Set the MaterialObject::SetMaterialFlags function.
Special Considerations
Each component of the texcoord animation velocity must be an integer when multiplied by 120000 milliseconds (two minutes). The internal timers used by the engine for texcoord animation have a two minute period, and a velocity that does not cause a texture to wrap an integer number of times during this period will cause a visible jump to occur every two minutes.
See Also

