Physics Manager
Blocker |
Represents a blocker node in a world. |
BlockerObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a blocker volume. |
BodyController |
Manages a body controlled by the physics simulation. |
BoxBlocker |
Represents a box blocker node in a world. |
BoxBlockerObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a box blocker. |
BoxField |
Represents a box field node in a world. |
BoxFieldObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a box field. |
BoxShape |
Represents a box shape node in a world. |
BoxShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a box shape. |
CapsuleBlocker |
Represents a capsule blocker node in a world. |
CapsuleBlockerObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a capsule blocker. |
CapsuleShape |
Represents a capsule shape node in a world. |
CapsuleShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a capsule shape. |
CharacterController |
Manages a basic character model. |
ClothController |
Manages a dynamic cloth geometry. |
ClothGeometry |
Represents a cloth primitive node in a world. |
ClothGeometryObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a cloth primitive. |
ConeShape |
Represents a cone shape node in a world. |
ConeShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a cone shape. |
CylinderBlocker |
Represents a cylinder blocker node in a world. |
CylinderBlockerObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a cylinder blocker. |
CylinderField |
Represents a cylinder field node in a world. |
CylinderFieldObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a cylinder field. |
CylinderShape |
Represents a cylinder shape node in a world. |
CylinderShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a cylinder shape. |
CylindricalJoint |
Represents a cylindrical joint node in a world. |
CylindricalJointObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a cylindrical joint. |
DeformableBodyController |
Manages a dynamically deformable geometry. |
DiscalJoint |
Represents a discal joint node in a world. |
DiscalJointObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a discal joint. |
DomeShape |
Represents a dome shape node in a world. |
DomeShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a dome shape. |
Field |
Represents a field node in a world. |
FieldObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a field volume. |
FluidForce |
Exerts fluid buoyancy and drag forces on rigid bodies inside a field. |
Force |
Exerts a force on rigid bodies inside a field. |
ForceReg |
Represents a custom force type. |
ForceRegistration |
Manages internal registration information for a custom force type. |
GeometryContact |
Represents a contact between a rigid body and a geometry. |
GravityForce |
Exerts a gravity force on rigid bodies inside a field. |
Joint |
Represents a joint node in a world. |
JointObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a physics joint. |
KinematicController |
The base class for kinematic controllers. |
LineWaveGenerator |
A wave generator that generates a wave along a line segment. |
MovementController |
Manages a node that moves between two points. |
OscillationController |
Manages a node that oscillates continuously. |
PhysicsController |
Manages the physics simulation for an entire world. |
PhysicsNode |
Represents a physics node in a world. |
PlateBlocker |
Represents a plate blocker node in a world. |
PlateBlockerObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a plate blocker. |
PointWaveGenerator |
A wave generator that generates a circular wave about a single point. |
PrismaticJoint |
Represents a prismatic joint node in a world. |
PrismaticJointObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a prismatic joint. |
PyramidShape |
Represents a pyramid shape node in a world. |
PyramidShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a pyramid shape. |
RagdollController |
Manages a set of rigid bodies that compose a ragdoll. |
RevoluteJoint |
Represents a revolute joint node in a world. |
RevoluteJointObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a revolute joint. |
RigidBodyContact |
Represents a contact between two rigid bodies. |
RigidBodyController |
Manages a rigid body in a physics simulation. |
RopeController |
Manages a dynamic rope geometry. |
RopeGeometry |
Represents a rope primitive node in a world. |
RopeGeometryObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a rope primitive. |
RotationController |
Manages a node that rotates between two angles. |
Shape |
Represents a shape node in a world. |
ShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a physics shape. |
SphereBlocker |
Represents a sphere blocker node in a world. |
SphereBlockerObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a sphere blocker. |
SphereField |
Represents a sphere field node in a world. |
SphereFieldObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a sphere field. |
SphereShape |
Represents a sphere shape node in a world. |
SphereShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a sphere shape. |
SphericalJoint |
Represents a spherical joint node in a world. |
SphericalJointObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a spherical joint. |
SpinController |
Manages a node that spins continuously. |
TruncatedConeShape |
Represents a truncated cone shape node in a world. |
TruncatedConeShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a truncated cone shape. |
TruncatedDomeShape |
Represents a truncated dome shape node in a world. |
TruncatedDomeShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a truncated dome shape. |
TruncatedPyramidShape |
Represents a truncated pyramid shape node in a world. |
TruncatedPyramidShapeObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a truncated pyramid shape. |
UniversalJoint |
Represents a universal joint node in a world. |
UniversalJointObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a universal joint. |
WaterController |
Manages a dynamic water surface. |
WaterGeometry |
Represents a water geometry node in a world. |
WaterGeometryObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a water geometry. |
WaveGenerator |
The base class for wave generators. |
WindForce |
Exerts a wind drag force on rigid bodies inside a field. |
Class Hierarchies
Force Hierarchy