Graphics Manager
Attribute |
The base class for all material attributes. |
CameraObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a camera. |
CubeLightObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a point light source having a projected cube texture map. |
DiffuseAttribute |
Material attribute for a diffuse color. |
DiffuseTextureAttribute |
Material attribute for a diffuse texture map. |
Drawable |
Stores rendering information for one drawable component of a renderable object. |
EmissionAttribute |
Material attribute for an emission color. |
EmissionTextureAttribute |
Material attribute for an emission texture map. |
EnvironmentAttribute |
Material attribute for an environment color. |
EnvironmentTextureAttribute |
Material attribute for an environment texture map. |
FrustumCameraObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a camera using a perspective projection. |
GraphicsMgr |
The Graphics Manager class. |
HorizonTextureAttribute |
Material attribute for a horizon map. |
IndirectCameraObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a camera having an indirect transform. |
InfiniteLightObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to an infinite light source. |
LightObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a light source. |
MaterialObject |
Encapsulates a set of material properties. |
NormalTextureAttribute |
Material attribute for a normal texture map. |
OcclusionQuery |
Represents an occlusion query operation. |
OpacityTextureAttribute |
Material attribute for an opacity texture map. |
OrthoCameraObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a camera using an orthographic projection. |
ParallaxTextureAttribute |
Material attribute for a parallax map. |
PointLightObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a point light source. |
Process |
Represents an operation performed on data in a shader graph. |
ProjectionLightObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a point light source having a projected texture map. |
ReflectionAttribute |
Material attribute for a reflection color. |
RefractionAttribute |
Material attribute for a refraction color. |
Renderable |
Stores general rendering information for a renderable object. |
Route |
Represents the data flow from one process to another in a shader graph. |
ShaderAttribute |
Shader graph container. |
SharedVertexBuffer |
Encapsulates a reference-counted vertex buffer. |
SpecularAttribute |
Material attribute for a specular color. |
SpecularTextureAttribute |
Material attribute for a specular texture map. |
SpotLightObject |
Encapsulates data pertaining to a spot light source having a projected 2D texture map. |
Substance |
Encapsulates a substance type. |
Texture |
Encapsulates a texture map. |
TextureAttribute |
Material attribute base class for texture maps. |
VertexBuffer |
Encapsulates a buffer that stores GPU-accessible vertex data. |
Data Structures
TextureHeader |
Contains information about a texture map. |
Class Hierarchies
Attribute Hierarchy